Fantastic and ODD
Hey, Stranger! Been a fan since the old Abe games (when are you porting them and MUNCH to a touchscreen??), and this game is features some of the best plot twists - taking a fun western/steampunk setting and bringing in real emotion and high level action. Its a fun combination of open world exploring, bad guy punching, talking to chicken people and octopus men and adding a bunch of first person shooter where you fire little animals from your crossbow (like sniper wasps, exploding bats and tribbles that bite). The voice acting is fun and crude, and the action gets intense, with a huge midpoint twist. The only concern would be that the game gets really tough (even on on easy) but you can look up solutions online. But theres not really anything like this game on iOS. I cant believe how emotionally involving the game gets - and the port from Xbox is excellent on an iPhone 6 and above. EXCELLENT! Please bring all the odd world titles back from the steef graveyard so new generations can enjoy them. A great deal of a game.
album man about
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath